What is Reinforcement Learning?

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning that involves an agent learning to make decisions in an environment.

The agent learns by receiving rewards or penalties for its actions.

The goal of RL is to maximize the total reward over time. RL is a type of learning that is particularly well-suited for problems in which the optimal solution is not known in advance and must be discovered through trial and error.

RL has been used in a wide range of applications, including robotics, game playing, and finance.


RL is closely related to classical control theory and optimal control.

These fields are concerned with designing systems that can achieve a desired behavior, such as maintaining a stable temperature or following a set of navigation instructions.

RL differs from these fields in that it focuses on problems where the optimal behavior is not known in advance and must be discovered through trial and error.

The main difference between Reinforcement Learning and other optimization-based approaches is that in RL the agent must learn the optimal behavior through trial-and-error interactions with the environment.

RL can be divided into three main components: the agent, the environment, and the reward signal.

The agent represents the decision-making entity, such as a robot or software program.

The environment is the system with which the agent interacts.

The reward signal is the feedback provided to the agent indicating how well it is doing.

The agent receives a reward or penalty for its actions and uses this feedback to adjust its behavior.

The goal of RL is to maximize the total reward over time.


Value-based methods

These methods approximate the optimal value function for the agent.

The value function represents the expected long-term reward for the agent following a given policy.

The agent uses the value function to select actions that lead to the highest expected reward. The most popular value-based method is Q-learning.

Q-learning is an off-policy method that estimates the optimal action-value function using a Q-table.

Policy-based methods

These methods directly learn the optimal policy, without approximating the value function. The policy is a mapping from states to actions.

The agent selects actions according to the policy. The most popular policy-based method is REINFORCE.

REINFORCE is an on-policy method that directly optimizes the policy using the gradient of the expected reward.

Both value-based and policy-based methods can be further divided into on-policy and off-policy methods.

On-policy methods learn the value function or policy based on the actions taken by the current policy.

Off-policy methods learn the value function or policy based on the actions taken by another policy.



RL has been used to train robots to perform a variety of tasks, such as grasping objects and walking.

It has been used to train robots to perform complex manipulation tasks, such as folding laundry and cooking.

Reinforcement Learning is particularly well-suited for robotics problems because it allows robots to learn from trial and error, which is often necessary when working in unstructured environments.

Game playing

RL has been used to train agents to play a variety of games, such as chess and Go.

RL has been used to train agents to play at a superhuman level, such as the AlphaGo program that defeated the world champion Go player in 2016.

Autonomous vehicles

Image from Smart Cities World

RL has been used to train self-driving cars to navigate complex environments.

It has been used to train cars to make decisions, such as when to change lanes, when to merge, and when to stop.

Reinforcement Learning is particularly well-suited for autonomous vehicles because it allows cars to learn from trial and error, which is often necessary when driving in unstructured environments.


RL has been used to optimize treatment plans for patients.

Reinforcement Learning has been used to learn which treatments are most effective for different patients, and to adjust treatment plans over time.

It is particularly well-suited for healthcare because it allows doctors to learn from trial and error, which is often necessary when treating complex medical conditions.


RL has been used to optimize trading strategies.

Reinforcement Learning has been used to learn which stocks to buy and sell, and when to buy and sell them.

It is particularly well-suited for finance because it allows traders to learn from trial and error, which is often necessary when trading in uncertain markets.


Reinforcement learning is a powerful tool for training agents to make decisions in complex environments.

By using trial-and-error interactions with the environment, the agent can learn to maximize its total reward over time.

RL has been successfully applied to a wide range of domains, and its potential for future applications is vast.

RL is particularly well-suited for problems where the optimal solution is not known in advance and must be discovered through trial and error.

As the field of RL continues to grow, it will likely be used in an even wider range of applications in the future.

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